At a glance

OraMod brings together complementary expertise of different clinicians for improved Oral Cancer patients management.

OraMod brings together complementary expertise of different clinicians for improved Oral Cancer patients management.

OraMod will set up a comprehensive platform, fully interoperable in hospital settings, that will facilitate the collection, management, analysis and interpretation of multiscale and multilevel data related to each individual oral cavity cancer patient and will allow the clinicians to identify subjects at high risk of recurrence at diagnosis (pre-surgical risk) and after remission (post-surgical risk). Clinicians may perform prediction simulations and take data-sustained decisions regarding patients’ treatment and follow-up. The web-based (cloud-based) architecture of the OraMod platform allows a multicentric adoption and the collaboration of different specialists, anytime, anywhere, through a “Virtual Tumor Board” tool.
Drawing on previous ICT-224483 NeoMark, OraMod will advance research and introduce new practices in patients’ management, such as an interactive Knowledge Assisted Visualization in line with the “Digital Patient” paradigm, a collaborative working space to support multi-disciplinary decision-making, a sophisticated suite for diagnostic image analysis and features extraction and a qRT-PCR device and lab-on-chip for fast, precise, quantitative detection of the genomic markers included in the model. A clinical trial in four EU pilot hospitals will demonstrate tangible clinical benefits.